C/2017 E4 Lovejoy

Closest to Earth on 2017 March 31 at 0.61AU.
Closest to Sun on 2017 April 23 at 0.49AU.
Maximum magnitude 6 in April 2017 before disintegrating around mid April 2017.
Orbital period:  N/A (parabolic)

Terry Lovejoy discovers his 6th comet!
New comet C/2017 E4 Lovejoy was discovered on 2017 March 10, when it shone at magnitude 14.

Comet Lovejoy brightened rapidly after discovery from magnitude 12 on 2017 March 18  to magnitude 9.0 on March 25.8UT
see below photos for comparison.

By April 1, the comet appeared bright in a pair of 8x40mm binoculars.
m1= 7.0, coma diameter 3' and DC 6.

This image below on April 3 shows an unusually elongated coma and an ion tail.
This coma morphology seen in the past has resulted in disintegration.

presumably we are looking at a small elongated nucleus at high risk of breaking apart.

Around 2017 April 11, the comet began to fade whilst still approaching the Sun.
CCD images indicated total disruption of the nucleus and the comet fell below magnitude 9 by late April.